TAGS : Validation

How To Check Password Strength Using JQuery

In this article I will give you example of how to check password strength using jquery, here I will check whether password strength is fulfill min character requirment or not. jquery vali...

PHP jQuery

How To Validate Password And Confirm Password Using JQuery

In this tutorial I will show you how to validate password and confirm password using jquery. Validation is basic and important feature for authenticate user. So, here I will give you exam...


How To Check Email Already Exist Or Not In Laravel

In this post we will see how to check email already exist or not in laravel.when user register with duplicate or exist email id at that time it is very difficult to maintain dat...

Laravel PHP jQuery

How To Validate Upload File Type Using Javascript

Today we will see how to validate upload file type using javascript. here, we easily check the selected file extension with allowed file extensions and we can restrict the user to upload only the a...

Laravel PHP jQuery

How To Validate Max File Size Using Javascript

In this tutorial I will give you example of how to validate max file size using javascript, Some time we have requirement to check validation of maximum size of file before uploading in s...

Laravel PHP jQuery

How To Validate 10 Digit Mobile Number Using Regular Expression

In this artical we will see how to validate 10 digit mobile number using regular expression in php or laravel. here i will give you example of regex for 10 digit mobile number in jquery,


Laravel PHP jQuery

Jquery Input Mask Phone Number Validation

Today we will see jquery input mask phone number validation,using jquery input mask we can validate diffrent type of phone/mobile number with diffrent country code. here we are using...
