How To Get Selected Option Value In jQuery

Are you a web developer who is looking to enhance your front-end skills? If yes, then you're in the right place.

jQuery provides a wide range of tools to make your web pages dynamic a...

Laravel PHP jQuery

How To Get Radio Button Checked Value In jQuery

Radio buttons are an essential element in web forms. They are often used to capture user preferences or choices. But have you ever tried to extract the selected value with jQuery? If you're a w...

Laravel PHP jQuery

How To Get Checked And Unchecked Checkbox Value In jQuery

Checkbox manipulation is an important part of web development, and jQuery makes it easier than ever to work with these tiny but powerful UI elements. Whether you're building a dynamic form or e...

Laravel PHP jQuery

How To Get Multiple Checkbox Value In jQuery

Checkboxes are those little boxes you click to select multiple options on a website. They're pretty handy, right? Well, imagine you want to do something cool with all those checkboxes, like sav...

Laravel PHP jQuery

How To Create Parallax Scrolling Effect Using jQuery

In the world of web design, making your website visually appealing is key.

Imagine this: as you scroll down a webpage, the background moves at a different speed than the content, creating...

Laravel PHP jQuery Bootstrap

jQuery Drag And Drop Div Example

in this article, we will see a jquery drag and drop div example. For this example, we are using sortable js. Sortable is a JavaScript library for reorderable drag-and-drop lists. You can reord...


Refresh Datatable Without Reloading Page In Laravel 9

In this article, we will see refresh datatable without reloading the page in laravel 9. When I have a data table that gets data from the database and a record is changed in the table, it shoul...

Laravel PHP jQuery

500 Internal Server Error In Laravel 9 AJAX

In this article, we will see 500 internal server errors in laravel 9 ajax. Also, we can see how to solve or fixed laravel 9 500 internal server error ajax. If you are fetching 500 interna...

Laravel PHP jQuery

Laravel 9 Dynamic Line Chart Example

In this article, we will see the laravel 9 dynamic line chart example. A dynamic line chart or line plot or line graph or curve chart is a type of chart that displays information as a series o...

Laravel PHP jQuery

Laravel 9 Dynamic Bar Chart Example

In this article, we will see the laravel 9 dynamic bar chart example. Bar charts are used to represent data in graphics view. For the creation of a dynamic bar chart example, we will...

Laravel PHP jQuery